Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CLOT : Traveling Mickey

Over the course of the last few years, CLOT and Disney have had a fruitful relationship with several large scale projects spanning various Disney franchises. In their latest team-up, CLOT and Disney unite on the Travelling Mickey project which brings into the fold ten notable artists from around the world. Each given a blank canvas in the form of a Mickey Mouse figure, each artist was given the ability to appropriate the figure based on their own personal vision and aesthetic. Among the personalities involved include André, Makoto Azuma, Carri Munden of Cassette Playa, CLOT, Dr. Romanelli, Eric So, Jakuan, Motonori Masui, Madsaki, Mister Cartoon and with a line-up this dope the results couldn't help but be Freshthanamug!!!

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